A simple pendulum or dowsing rods can make it possible to dowse a question, family tree, floor plan, map, or home to access ‘hidden’ information. The dowsing implement responds to the user’s accidental or involuntary movements and unconscious thoughts. When dowsing, I use a pendulum for ‘yes’ / ‘no’ answers and the runes to give story details and tell me what level of consciousness to find a trapped emotive experience.


• Ancestral healing or repair work is about locating energetic patterns passed down through the DNA and genetic makeup. This can be a result of unresolved Karma or past actions. I work with the three previous generations, or fourteen individuals – parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. When the required physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual healing is done, you will experience a positive shift.


I’ve been dowsing for family and friends since I was a young woman. More recently, I dowsed over 1000 of my ancestors to help identify inter-generational trauma patterns in my family. I’ve completed courses in Home and Place healing, Dowsing for Health, and Ancestral Dowsing and, hold Diplomas in Dowsing and Ancestral Healing.

Membership British Society of Dowsing