Research Trip – Somerset
Research event in Somerset connected to Battle of Sedgemoor and Bloody Assizes (1685).
Research event in Somerset connected to Battle of Sedgemoor and Bloody Assizes (1685).
Al Welwel is a Chinese contemporary artist and activist. He grew up in harsh conditions due to his father’s exile.
An article concerning the nature of time.
A mixture of best seller fiction, performance art, memoir, cutting-edge medical/academic texts, alternative perspectives and childhood favourites. I hope you enjoy!
Family constellation work is designed to help reveal the hidden dynamics in a family or relationships.
Developmental trauma (moment of conception to age two or three) describes the impact of adverse experiences on a child’s relationships. It’s pre-cognitive, pre-verbal and can’t be recalled. It affects the child’s brain and personality development.
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to reorganise its structure and function. A process of synaptic pruning leads to the weakening and eventual death of infrequently used neural pathways whilst learning and new experiences cause new neural pathways to strengthen.
Polyvagal Theory is an approach to understanding trauma. It highlights the role of the vagus nerve in emotion regulation, social connection and the fear response.