Jenny lives and works in Somerset, England. She was born and raised on a working farm, attended university in Exeter and then, lived overseas in Australia for nearly twenty years. In the late 1990’s her childhood home beckoned and she returned to be around her family and the familiar countryside of the Somerset levels.
Jenny had a thirty-five-year professional career in vocational rehab helping people who had injury, illness or disability to return to work. Her company provided insurer-focused vocational rehab services and was involved in ‘transfer of innovation’ projects working in fourteen European countries. She was on the Board of Directors for her professional association and a university lecturer.
Around 2010 Jenny became interested in energy work. She qualified as a shamanic practitioner and completed a three-year apprenticeship-type course in divination, healing and magic. There was a South and Central American pilgrimage with a Peruvian shaman to activate the ‘feminine Earth chakras’ and she spent a year investigating the Glastonbury zodiac with a ‘cunning man’.
More recently Jenny became interested in dowsing and started to research her ancestors. This work became the focus of her recent visits to Argyll and Perthshire in Scotland and Falmouth in Cornwall.
Jenny likes to have a foot in both the academic and spiritual worlds but her heart belongs to a quiet life in the countryside.
An old story ran my subconscious. It was a consequence of the past and left no space for a different future to open up.