I am delighted to be invited to assist Eliana Harvey teach on the Shamanka, Soul Retrieval one-day workshop.

Date & Time

15 July 2023


Holwell, Dorset

United Kingdom

More Details

  • Event Price – £55

  • Website – www.shamanka.com

‘Shock, trauma, illness, prolonged stress, bereavement and abuse’ can all cause fear and soul loss. Fragments of our soul split off from the psyche and become frozen. This can lead to a lifetime of pain, disconnection and fear.

A number of Shamanic techniques are known to help with soul loss. These include connecting with our Power Animals and Spirit Guides to discover where a part is hiding and encourage it to return along with shamanic journeying or a ‘dream state’ to recreate the moment of shock and move through it. Each method has proven to be effective in helping our psyche resolve stuck patterns, from the past.

Your Trainers

Eliana is the founder of Shamanka School of Shamanic Training for Women. She is known as a gifted Shamanka, Medicine Woman and Healer and has trained for over 30 years with a number of shamans and medicine people from different indigenous traditions.

Jenny received her Advanced Practitioner certificate in healing and the Shamanic Arts from Shamanka in 2013. In the last ten years, she has travelled and worked with indigenous shaman and attended a variety of trainings and courses.